
For the Birds

Our little friends have hatched!

It's okay.  We're all ugly when we're first born.  But we get cuter...

When we came back from vacation, they had flown the coop.  Have a happy life, little birdies!


  1. Awww---are you an Aunty now?? :oD
    Smiles, Karen

  2. I am a bird lover that is for sure. Real ones and fake ones. I am a bird lady; but hopefully not a crazy bird lady. I can't wait to see what you whip up in the wooden plaque department. You need to show and tell when you do! :)

  3. Hope all is well. It is very sad what happened in Nashville and seems there's no news coverage on it now. The oil spill in the Gulf is horrendous. Guatemala has tropical storms and volcanoes erupting. And the news is all about silly petty stuff. I just don't get it. Wishing you all the best. Tammy


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