

Have you heard?  Probably not.  Not unless you live here.  This flood, this once-in-a-thousand-years flood has demolished houses, displaced thousands, killed dozens and brought this city to our knees.  It will cost an estimated $1 Billion.  And national media isn't reporting on it.

But that's caused us to reach out.  To lend a hand.  To pull each other back up.  To rely on our neighbors and to build back a community. 

I found this story buried on the CNN website.  Buried.  Read that and try to keep it together.  It's just one story.

We are devastated.
We are ignored.
We are heartbroken.

We are rebuilding.

We are helping each other.
We are pitching in.

More flood coverage here and here.  Find out how to help here.  Watch a seriously good video here.  Repost this if you're moved to do so.

Pictures from my friends, Donald and Katlyne.


  1. I'm a Nasvhille girl too.. I grew up there & moved away when I was 19. It will always be home & it has broken my heart to watch it be devastated the way it has.
    I finally found a positive article today.. http://www.usatoday.com/weather/floods/2010-05-06-nashville-flood_N.htm

    And I wrote 2 blogs this week about everything. I found some amazing pictures on facebook.

  2. The reason the media is ignoring us is because there is no crime to report. We are all helping each other. No one has killed anyone because of the flood and there has been almost no looting. The media doesn't do positive stories.

  3. I stand corrected...thank you Anderson Cooper.

  4. HI Sonny! You posted the best (alas heartbreaking) pictures of the damage.

    Since you posted Anderson Cooper did a great news reporting of what is happening.



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