So, I've been messing around with the guest bath decor a little bit. I did a little bit of work that you can see here. I've refilled the jar with seashells, removed some of the bottles and accented the whole display with burlap.
On the other walls, I added this canvas my friend Caroline brought back from Cali. I added the burlap and the seashells are collected from Florida.
I also made these frames. I used cheap square wood frames from Joann, and whitewashed them with watered-down acrylic. Then I hot glued on about a million shells my mother-in-law, sister-in-law and I collected from the beach in August. Then I added some burlap to hang them.
I think they turned out alright! :)
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How cute! I love the color.
ReplyDeleteI have that green glass, too! It was passed down from my grandma to my mom to me.
ReplyDeleteGood reeading