
The Shop Is Open!

After years of resolutions that I would open and stock an etsy shop, I am pleased to announce I have finally done so!  Making room for the baby has prompted me to start getting rid of some of my supplies.  I have been purging to the max!  I have a few friends who've taken some of my fabric, scrapbooking and miscelleneous supplies off my hands.  I've been holding a few things back for you, my dear readers (a giveaway, perhaps?).  And I also have a number of things that are now listed in my shop!   

I'm starting out with vintage sheet fat quarters and vintage die cuts from children's books. 


Check out my shop for more!


  1. Congrats on the opening of your shop!
    By the way, I'm really excited about looking through all that fabric! Good luck!

  2. Thanks for leaving me a comment. It made my day. I am loving the vintage book cut outs. What an awesome idea. I can't wait to sort through them and go to work!

  3. Congratulations on opening up shop! Best of luck!


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