
Rose Pomander Mobile

When I was planning out the nursery, I knew I wanted to go with something different for the mobile.  While browsing blogs for inspiration, I happened upon these crepe paper rose pomanders and knew they'd be perfect! 

I initially planned on making six and hanging three at each end of the crib.  Once I got everything else up on the wall, I knew six would be overkill.  I had already completed five at that point and really didn't want those last two to go to waste, so I stuck 'em on the shelves.  I think they work, don't you?

Check out where I'm linking up HERE!


  1. Jessica, your nursery is looking SO cute! Won't be much longer now! :) I've been meaning to let you know I would love to return the favor and guest post for you while you're on "maternity leave." Let me know when you would want me!

  2. They are the perfect touch to your nursery--love them! Thanks so much for linking to my Share the Love Link Party!

  3. I've decided that I need to get pregnant and then have you come and decorate the nursery, lol. Seriously, you did a fantastic job! Love those pomanders. I'm going to go back and look at the other nusery post again...


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