
Travel Play Case

The holidays are upon us and with that means lots of travelling.  It also means you're probably on a tighter budget with all the travel costs and gifts to buy.  This is a great project to make for your own kids or to give as a gift!  It's less than $5 and takes almost no time at all!  Now let's get to it!

Travel Play Case

Now, if you're feeling a little ambitious, you can make your own little play scene with bits of scrapbook paper, like so:

I've added in some Littlest Pet Shop figurines, but you could use any you like.  This is easily adjustable for different genders and ages!

Wrap it up in a bow and you're finished!

This was originally posted as part of the Homemade Christmas series at The Scrap Shoppe.


  1. I think this is SUCH a fun idea!! I can't imagine any kiddo NOT liking this, Jessica. Thanks so much again for sharing it during my party!

  2. What a really awesome idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. What a great little idea! Littlest pet shop toys are perfect for these boxes too!



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