
Butterfly Valentine Printable

Well, as you all probably know by now, Picnik is closing down (moving to Google+?).  I don't know about you, but I'm going to squeeze every last drop of use out of it.  

This little idea popped in my head for a fun Valentine, so I whipped it up!

I created the art over in Picnik, printed it out, cut it down and added some butterflies I had punched out of scrapbook paper.

SO easy and free, because I already had everything on hand!  

If you don't have a paper punch, you could draw a butterfly or use a stamp or stickers.  These would be fun for the little ones to make, too!

Want to make your own?  Just click on the picture to make it bigger, right click and save, and paste it into a word doc.  You can adjust the size to suit your needs!

If you've got a cute idea for Valentine's Day, leave me a link and I'll stop by! :)

Linking up to these fun parties!

My Butterfly Valentine Printable was featured!


  1. Cute!!! I never got a chance to use Picnik but had planned to try it at some point. Guess not now. :(

  2. Adorable!! Used Picnik once...guess I better take advantage before it's too late.


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