
Merry September

I promised to let y'all in on what has been keeping me so busy lately - I've been planning a boutique vendor fair!

It all started when my friend, Brittany (who is a PatyCake Kids Rep) called me up and said, "Hey! Wouldn't it be fun to get a few of us together, invite a bunch of friends and sell our wares?" 

And I was like "Of COURSE, dude!"

So, what started out as a few friends exploded into a full-blown vendor fair.  We started out hoping we might be able to find 10 people to set up booths.

A little over a month later, we have maxed out with 27 vendors and over 15 on the waiting list!

If you are in Nashville or Middle Tennessee, we would love for you to come by!

Thursday, September 13th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
3534 West End Avenue
(parking and entrance in rear)

For more info, including our fabulous vendor list, visit our Facebook page!

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